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The Secure Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Enabling Product Suite is developed to meet commercial, operational and IT security challenges when implementing network enabling capability.




As the national defence and its command and control structures become more connected and automated, 许多指挥官面临着信息保障的问题, 系统完整性和ICT相关的运营成本. The 安全SOA支持产品套件 provides for the need to assure the networked defence capability in the cyber domain.


The 安全SOA支持产品套件 makes is possible for loosely coupled services to fulfil functional requirements, allowing run-time service discovery and binding to the most suitable service. 它透明地为遗留和COTS应用程序添加了一个安全层, with monitoring and control to enable operators to manage security and operational use throughout the network.

The suite includes a management user interface where services and their attributes can be registered, 配置和管理. 它还提供了对遗留通信功能的集成.


  • 高安全
  • 无单点故障。
  • 分布式管理
  • 异构通信网络中的功能
  • 对遗留系统和开发的影响最小
  • 独立于操作系统工作

星际网赌导航的安全SOA支持产品套件是为满足商业需求而开发的, operational and IT security challenges when implementing network enabling capability. 它支持松散耦合的服务集成, 应用程序, 系统和系统节点在可控和安全的方式. Each element of a C4ISTAR* system is enabled to cooperate through a secure network in which services are generated and published.

套件是硬件, communication and application agnostic and embraces both legacy architecture and the latest network designs. 它支持系统的快速重新配置, fast creation of coalitions and flexible information exchange without giving up autonomy or limiting the capabilities of the elements that make up the system. The SOA安全 is optimised for military environments where connectivity cannot be guaranteed and bandwidth can be limited, 优化使用连接路由, 发送信息时的打包和优先级.

*命令、控制和交流 & 计算机和情报,监视,目标获取 & 侦察


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... that we offer three integration levels: from adding functionality without affecting legacy, 充分利用套房的潜力?

  • The suite includes functionality for service discovery based on metadata, 实现智能应用程序开发.
  • 在不断变化的环境中维护安全是一项挑战, 因为用户和特权每天都在变化.
  • The 安全SOA支持产品套件 can also be used to create a security for COTS and legacy systems without affecting those at all.


Henrik Ekerbring
市场营销 & Sales
